Posts in Podcasts
#530 - What is True Retirement Planning? With Christine Benz

 Morningstar’s Christine Benz joins me today on this episode of Retirement Answer Man. This seasoned retirement journalist shares her thoughts on the state of retirement planning, long-term care, investing in retirement, and what encompasses true retirement planning.

Listen in to gain more perspective as you navigate your retirement journey.

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#529 - How Systems Thinking Can Improve Your Retirement with Rick Nason

This month we celebrate the Retirement Answer Man’s 10th anniversary milestone with several guests throughout the month. 

Today we welcome Professor Rick Nason, author of It’s Not Complicated, to discuss complicated vs complex thinking. If that discussion didn’t Stick around for the listener questions with Tanya Nichols and Bring It On with Dr. Bobby Dubois.

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#526 - The Benefits of FIRE

Now that we know what FIRE is, let’s learn the benefits. In this episode of Retirement Answer Man, Kevin Sebesta joins me to discuss the benefits of FIRE. 

Afterward, Mark Ross comes aboard to noodle on why creativity is important in retirement. And finally, Taylor Schulte from the Stay Wealthy podcast helps me answer some listener questions. Don’t miss out on this informative episode!

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#525 - What Is the FIRE Movement?

Have you heard of the FIRE movement? It’s become increasingly popular in the past few years. Even if you are technically too old to retire early, there is something we can all learn from FIRE seekers. 

In this episode, Kevin Sebesta, a real live FIREer joins me to discuss what FIRE is, how he achieved it, and what people who retire early do with their time. 

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#524 - Retirement Plan Live: Mature Marriage - Managing Joint Cash Flow with Separate Assets 

How do you manage a joint cash flow with separate assets? In addition to discussing Mark and Mary’s situation, today I chat with Kay about how she and her husband handled finances with their late in life marriage.

Make sure to stick around to hear an update from Sam, our single Retirement Plan Live case study from 2018. She’ll let us know how she’s been doing, what has surprised her about retirement, and whether her retirement plan has changed. 

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#523 - Retirement Plan Live - Mature Marriage: Shared Resources

We’re back with Retirement Plan Live to explore how two adults who married later in life can share their resources as they age.

Last week we looked at their goals both individually and together and today we’ll do the same with their resources. Listen in to hear the different ways that older adults who come together later in life can pool their resources so they can rock retirement.

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#522 - Retirement Plan Live: Mature Marriage - Shared Goals

Do you like lemonade? If so, you won’t want to miss out on the lemonade I make on today’s episode. 

We’re discussing goals on this episode of the Retirement Plan Live series and we get to catch up with Lori from the 2017 Retirement Plan Live. Find out what she is up to and how to work through shared and separate goals in retirement.

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#520 - Retirement Plan Live: Mature Marriage - Mark’s Story

Today you’ll meet Mark–half of our newest case study for Retirement Plan Live. Mark and Mary are a year and a half into their new marriage and are trying to figure out how to plan the rest of their lives. On this episode, you’ll learn about Mark and his aspirations and concerns for their life together. 

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#519 - Should I Withdraw from My IRA to Pay Off My Mortgage?

One of our listeners actually has a better mortgage rate than me! However, as they begin to test their retirement budget they have found that the mortgage payment leaves that budget a bit tight. So they are wondering if they should pay off their mortgage early by withdrawing from their IRA. What would you do?

Listen in to hear my response in addition to several other listener questions. We’ll also catch up with Rosie from the last Retirement Plan Live. Press play to learn if she implemented any of the things we discussed and how her retirement has been over the past year. 

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#518 - How Can I Reduce the Chances of Running Out of Money in Retirement?

It seems like no matter how much we save we always have that nagging worry about whether it is truly enough. 

One of our listeners is looking for ways to reduce the chances of running out of money in retirement. My response to his question may surprise you. Listen in to hear what I have to say about improving his retirement trajectory.

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#517 - The Ins and Outs of Donor-Advised Funds

Have you ever wondered how the subjects from our Retirement Plan Live series are doing now? Did everything turn out okay for them? Find out how Emma (from 2019 RPL) is doing on this episode of Retirement Answer Man.

In the listener questions segment you’ll learn about the Rule of 55, donor-advised funds, and contributing to a teen’s Roth IRA. Press play to listen.

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#513 - Should I Consolidate My Accounts in Retirement? 

If you have different retirement accounts at various brokerage firms, you may wonder whether you should consolidate them. One listener asked me that very question today. I’ll answer it along with several others–don’t miss the one about my finance book recommendations. 

Are you curious about how you can improve your relationship in retirement? Then, make sure to listen to Mark Ross’s suggestions in the Bring It On segment.

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#512 - How Should I Pay Taxes on My Roth Conversions?

“You do not rise to the level of your goals; you fall to the level of your systems.” James Clear

I’ve been focusing on building up my systems lately and today I’ll provide you with an example of what that looks like for me. 

In addition, in this episode, you’ll hear several questions on how to optimize your tax burden. Then in the Bring It On segment, Kevin Lyles joins me to discuss the role of leisure in retirement.

Join me today to take a baby step to improve your life in retirement. 

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#511 - Should I Continue to Own Bond Funds?

Bonds are a ubiquitous part of a balanced portfolio and in recent years bond funds have become even more attractive to many investors. However, due to rising interest rates, bond funds are now losing their appeal. 

One listener asks whether she should call it quits on her investment in bond funds. In this episode of Retirement Answer Man, Nichole and I will explore this and other questions from listeners like you. 

Stick around to hear my conversation with Dr. Bobby Dubois about energy and our relationship with caffeine. Find out once and for all whether caffeine is as bad for you as they say.

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