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Retirement Plan Live Replay - Retiring In a Bear Market

Rosie happily retired in the summer of 2021. In 2022, the bear market hit. Will Rosie still be okay?

Trish had her retirement all planned out. But she didn’t expect to be let go from her job! Now she wonders - should she go ahead and retire? Can she?

Trish had her retirement all planned out. But she didn’t expect to be let go from her job! Now she wonders - should she go ahead and retire? Can she?

Even for those of us who plan and plan and try to prepare for everything, things can go wrong. Life can throw us curveballs from out of nowhere. Emma and Luca have been thrown a curveball. Will it derail their retirement?

Even for those of us who plan and plan and try to prepare for everything, things can go wrong. Life can throw us curveballs from out of nowhere. Emma and Luca have been thrown a curveball. Will it derail their retirement?