Posts in Podcasts
#490 - How Does the 5-Year Rule Work for Roth Conversions?

“If you are looking for someone to believe in, believe in yourself. The only authentic authority is your own original nature.” Vernon Howard

Are you ready to start believing in yourself enough to rock retirement? If you have been following this show, hopefully you are doing the work so that you can build the confidence to lean in and really rock retirement. 

On this episode, we have a guest that may help guide and empower you to do the work that you need to do to rock retirement. You’ll also hear about what I’ve been reading, answers to listener questions, and how to use your toolkit to fit disease from Bobby Dubois in our Bring It On segment. Press play to feel empowered 

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#489 - The 8 Pillars of Rocking Retirement: Non-Financial - Passion and Relationships

It’s time to wrap up the eight retirement pillars with the final two non-financial pillars: passion and relationships. 

In this episode, you’ll learn why happy people always have projects and what you can do to get started building your own passion projects. You’ll also learn why it is so important to develop intentional relationships. Discover these final two non-financial pillars for a rocking retirement.

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#488 - The 8 Pillars of Rocking Retirement: Non-Financial - Energy and Mindset

Rocking retirement requires focusing on both the financial and non-financial aspects of retirement. In the previous two episodes we explored the four financial areas that help build a rocking retirement, and today, we begin to examine the non-financial areas starting with energy and mindset. 

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#487 - The 8 Pillars of Rocking Retirement: Financial - Resilience and Optimization

Rocking retirement requires getting your financial and nonfinancial ducks in a row. As we work through the 8 pillars of rocking retirement this month, we’ll explore both the financial and non-financial elements of retirement. This week, we’re reviewing the resilience and optimization stages of the financial side of retirement.

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#486 - The 8 Pillars of Rocking Retirement: Financial - Vision and Feasibility

If you don't know where you are going any path will get you there. This is why it is so important to have a vision of where you want to go–you don’t want to end up anywhere!

This series is dedicated to teaching you the 8 pillars to rock retirement. In this episode, we focus on creating a vision so that you can create a feasible pathway to get you to your vision. 

Listen in so that you aren’t wandering aimlessly through your retirement. Press play to learn how to visualize your goal and create a way to get there. 

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#485 - The 8 Pillars of Rocking Retirement: How to Build a Retirement You Can Rock

This month we’re heading back to basics. All month long we’ll be building your foundational understanding of how to create a rocking retirement. If you’re new to the show, this is a fantastic starting point. If you are a long-time listener you’ll appreciate this review.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to solve the essential problems of retirement planning: how to live a life without regret and how to balance squeezing as much out of life as possible today while ensuring that you have enough financial stability so that you won’t be a burden to others in your later years. 

Listen in to learn how to build a retirement that you can be excited about.

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#484 - How Should Spouses Claim Their Social Security Benefits?

How will Social Security benefits fit into your retirement equation? If you have a spouse, there is an added level of complexity when considering your Social Security claiming strategy. 

We explore this topic and more through listener questions on today’s episode of Retirement Answer Man. Learn what to consider and how to approach the Social Security question by pressing play.

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# 482 - How Do I Report a QCD on My Income Tax Return?

We continue our focus on you this month as we dive deeper into listener questions. Today we have a range of questions from various aspects of the retirement process.

If you have a question you want to be answered, head on over to You can type in a question or leave an audio recording–those are my favorites!

Listen in to learn how to work through the decumulation phase of retirement by developing a withdrawal plan that fits your needs. 

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#480 - Widowed in Retirement: Wisdom from Those on the Journey

Reimagining life after widowhood can be challenging. In the beginning, it may seem like something that is impossible to imagine. Even if life seems insurmountable at the beginning, it is crucial to remember that someday you will be able to enjoy life again. Just not yet. Yet is an important word. Yet helps you understand that things will not always be as they are now. Today you’ll learn how to change your mindset from I can’t do this to I can’t do this—yet. 

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#478 - Widowed in Retirement: Navigating Financial Changes

If you are married, chances are you or your spouse will have to suffer through widowhood. The Widowed in Retirement series aims to help you navigate this difficult transition as best you can. Today, Mark Trautman joins me again to discuss how to work through the huge financial changes that result from losing a spouse. 

There are myriad financial considerations to be aware of during this change, so this may be an episode that you want to bookmark to refer back to later or send to a friend in need. Press play to listen.

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#477 - Widowed in Retirement: Navigating Life Changes

Even though it is difficult to think about it, at some point, those of us who are married will have to think about one of you transitioning from two to one. 

This week we’re exploring the nonfinancial impacts of this transition with someone who has walked this journey. Rock Retirement Club member, Mark Trautman shares his personal journey through his life-changing experience. 

Mark shares the challenges and the tools that have helped him get through this heartbreaking part of his life so that he can move forward and rock retirement on his own. 

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#475 - Should I Rebalance My Portfolio Now?

Life is what happens to us when we are busy making other plans. This is especially true during transitions. As I transition to adding a new segment to this show, it’s gotten a bit messy. It’s been a bumpy road and not everything has gone according to plan.

Listen in to hear how this applies to retirement planning. While you’re at it you’ll hear how to decide whether to rebalance a portfolio and how to nurture relationships. Press play so that you can start rocking retirement.

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#474 - What are Brokered CDs and How Do They Work?

Do you ever feel like a curmudgeon when you hear about new technology? Listen in to find out what has me putting on my sourpuss hat this week.

We have a variety of interesting listener questions this week. Listen in to learn about purchasing brokerage CDs and CDs on the secondary market, how to decide whether to take the pension or the lump sum, and how to determine whether to become a 1099 contractor rather than a W2 employee.

In the Bring It On segment you’ll hear about what work looks like in retirement from Mark Ross. Spoiler alert: you can work in retirement!

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#473 - How Is Deferred Compensation Taxed When I Receive It?

Recently, we had the finale of the Retirement Plan Live series, so I want to share my observations on what we can all learn from Rosie’s experience. There was a lot to unpack from Rosie’s plan. Before we get to the Listener Questions segment, I’ll share my thoughts with you. 

Make sure to stick around after the listener questions to hear the Bring It On segment with Dr. Bobby Dubois. You’ll hear about building energy in retirement through your emotional, cognitive, and social well-being. Learn how to use these powerful ways to live longer and stay healthier in retirement.

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#472 - How Do I Calculate the Decreased Social Security Benefit If I Retire Early

I’m excited about our newest segment, Bring It On with Kevin Lyles. The Bring It On segment will discuss mindset and other non-financial aspects of retirement. 

In addition to our newest segment, today you’ll hear about the books I read in January and listener questions. 

Learn how to calculate a decreased benefit when retiring early, which accounts to draw from to minimize taxes, how to manage 401Ks through a company transition, and what to consider when choosing a financial advisor. 

Join me for this episode of Retirement Answer Man to explore the latest issues in retirement and beyond so that you can get ready to rock retirement. 

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#471 - Retirement Plan Live: The Impact of the Bear Market

Retirement can be tricky. There are so many unknowns, so preparing yourself mentally can be a challenge. 

Mental toughness is the ability to remain positive and proactive in the most adverse situations. Our Retirement Plan Live volunteer, Rosie, is having to rely on mental toughness to stay on target through an extra challenging early retirement.

Join Rosie and me today as we discuss the impact that the bear market had on her finances at the start of her retirement. 

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