Today’s show is packed full of great retirement information for you to use to educate yourself on your own retirement planning.
Read MoreIn this episode I’ve got a ton of great things to share with you - everything from a super announcement about our second annual “Retirement Plan LIVE” event that will be going on, to a quick definition and discussion of capital gains and dividend distributions, Christmas planning and tax savings, a conversation with a great guest, Emily Birkin, and a smart sprint tip that involves time travel.
Read MoreOn this episode I have a great chat with the “Doctor of Happiness,” Dr. Sonja Lyubomirski. She has scientifically researched the issue of happiness and is going to give us some very interesting insights.
Read MoreOn this episode I’m shaking it up a bit; throwing in some new segments that I believe are going to simplify and energize your retirement planning.
Read MoreToday, in the “hot topic” segment I have a great conversation with Joe of “Stacking Benjamins” who has some important updates about changes in federal laws regarding social security benefits and then, in the main topic segment I chat with Chris Hogan of the Dave Ramsey group about his upcoming book, Retire Inspired.
Read MoreToday I’m going to be answering listener questions about the question I’ve been dealing with all month long, “When I Can I Retire?”
Read MoreOn this episode of The Retirement Answer Man, you get to hear me, Roger Whitney, wax philosophical about retirement investing as it relates to your later years… which could be longer than you expect.
Read MoreIn this episode of the Retirement Answer Man, I want to walk through those expenses for a couple of reasons: 1) You need to have a clear picture of where you’re headed so you can be prepared when you get there. 2) Because in keeping with the theme of my show this month, WHEN you can retire could depend on whether you actually make those preparations or not and on the decisions you make about the expenses you’re going to have to support during retirement.
Read MoreIn my experience, I’ve found four major myths embedded in “simple” retirement plans are to blame for many people sacrificing too many of their retirement dreams. Listen to find out what they are.
Read MoreThis episode of the Retirement Answer man is filled with some debt-crunching, retirement building, volatile market enduring advice to help you put your financial life in order. The feature segment of the show features the story of Jamie and Ruth, a couple who paid off over $83,000 in debt in just over 30 months. 30 MONTHS!
Read MoreIn the “Practical Planning” segment of today’s Retirement Answer Man show, Roger is talking about books. In particular, the 9 books that have most recently had an impact on how he lives and how he works.
Read MoreIn today’s podcast, Roger hosts a terrific conversation with Marc Miller. Marc is a veteran of the corporate world, having worked for IBM for many years. He's made what he calls a “pivot” in his career journey by exiting the corporate world and starting up his own consulting and coaching business to help others pivot their lives into something more satisfying and enjoyable for the later half of their lives. You’ll hear all kinds of great topics in this chat as Roger asks Marc about how he made the transition, whether he truly IS happier now, and what others can do to position themselves for a great pivot of their own.
Read MoreIf you’ve never listened to The Retirement Answer Man before, you’re in for a real treat today. Roger has a great show in store that includes an invitation for you to get your questions answered on the show.
Read MoreWhen you change your investment strategy because of the markets, you’re changing horses midstream, and you could wind up in deep water! Roger’s got some great advice about how to stick to your plan, even though the current market situation seems shaky, on this episode of The Retirement Answer Man.
Read MoreToday’s episode of The Retirement Answer Man debuts a brand new format that will help you make even more of your retirement and financial planning. From here on out all episodes of RAM will be consist of 3 segments - The Hot Topic, where Roger addresses current issues on the financial horizon - The Practical Planning segment, where Roger gives you practical, actionable tips to help you get your retirement planning headed in the direction you desire - and the Listener Question, where Roger answers YOUR questions about retirement related issues. Listen in to get a feel for the new format and to hear how Roger can help you get your retirement planning well in hand before it’s too late.
Read MoreRoger starts the show off with a bang today by answering a listener question: “I’m a smart guy. So why do I make such stupid decisions when it comes to money?” Feel familiar? We’ve all made our share of mistakes in the financial areas of our lives, and that pattern never really changes unless we come to grips with the REASONS we make those decisions in the first place.
Read MoreMatt Miller has built a company that offers savvy retirement planners a legitimate way to add an additional stream of income to their current situation - either on the side or with hopes of it moving toward a full-time business. Matt’s story is inspiring… and you’ll hear it all on this episode of Retirement Answer Man.
Read MoreWe were all set for another super serious retirement planning show when Joe from Stacking Benjamins hacked in and took over.
Read MoreIt's easier than ever to become a terrible husband. Our connected world has caused the outside world of news, work and friends to compete for the limited attention we have when we're at home. If you're not careful, e-mails, status updates and the internet can rob your wife of her rightful place as the center of your life.
Read MoreMany say the American dream is dead. That getting married, starting a family and building for the future is no longer possible. Even worse, many others believe it when they hear it. All the while, though, there are people with "normal" jobs building the American Dream step by step.
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