What do you think the midyear outlook for the market is? Greece is all over the news (What is it with Greece, anyway?), markets in China are crazy and here in the U.S. everyone is freaked out about when interest rates will rise. What is an investor to do?
Read MoreYou'd never intentionally make a stupid investment for your retirement. Yet, most of us do everyday. We invest or should I say digest horrible things into our body. Over time these bad "investments" rob us of the most important thing in retirement, our health, and potentially give us a huge negative return in the form of high health care expenses. Luckily, there are some simple things you can do now to create a healthy retirement.
Read MoreIn this week's journey to retirement story, we hear from true high school sweethearts, John and Patti.
Read MoreI've learned a lot about the devastating costs of end of life care lately. Over the last year, there's been a lot of death in my family. Last year my sister, Barbara, passed away at age 51 and my aunt Nicola passed, too. Now, at age 96, my grandmother is tiring out and is in hospice.
Read MoreYou may die tomorrow. You may get sick. There's no way to predict it and there's nothing you can do about it. Yeah, It sucks, I know. I've got the same deal. As important as planning for retirement is, it's just as important...no, more important....you make the most of the only life you have. The one that's happening right now!
Read MoreIf you're working to build a great retirement, stop listening to weekend investment talk radio. The economics of these local shows encourage the sale of investment products rather than offering sound investment advice.
Read MoreHave you noticed how these Journey to Retirement stories have little to do with money? Each listener's story has focused on freedom and experiences. This week's story is no different.
Read MoreAsk anyone and they'll most likely say they want to have a great retirement. But looking at the day-to-day financial decisions of most people might tell a different story.
Read More"The younger generation is ruining this country!" This was said about the baby boomers. Now it's said about the millennials. The fact is, each new generation brings a fresh perspective that helps our society and country renew itself. Recently I spoke with a "millennial" who, like you and me, is working to raise a family and save for the future.
Read MoreIn this week's journey to retirement story, we hear from a smart lady that screwed up with debt, dug herself out of her hole and is now prospering. If you're feeling like you're in a financial hole, listen to her story. She dug out and so can you.
Read MoreDespite what the media and some financial advisors tell us, preparing for retirement isn't about fancy strategies or the best investment. This week listener "Rick" shares his story of how he became a 401(k) millionaire by using a simple but powerful strategy.
Read MoreThere are plenty of people around today that will offer their services as a “life coach” or “business coach.” Few have the demonstrated history of success as businessman, family man and friend to man as Aaron Walker.
Read MoreAt the end of day, all that matters is what retirement means to you. Forget what the commercials say. Forget what the brochures say. Forget much of what your advisor may say. You don't have a "number;" you have a life that you get to define and live.
Read MoreIf you want to retire and are looking for guidance, don't just find someone smart. There are plenty of smart advisors with plenty of smart ideas. It's been my experience that smart by itself, isn't enough. If you want to retire successfully, it's better to seek out wisdom.
Read MoreIf you work for a company, you're a cog in the machine. You're a replaceable part, easily eliminated or replaced if it suits the needs of the company. Sorry to be so blunt. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. It's just important you accept this if you're going to thrive in the years ahead.
Read MoreMost of the personal finance blogs you read focus on how to be more frugal. How to cut costs so you can safe and invest for retirement. It's important to be frugal but frugal only goes so far.
Read MoreJust because Bill & Sally can't achieve their ideal retirement doesn't mean they can't have a great retirement.
Read MoreYeah, you read that right. Bill and Sally cannot achieve their ideal retirement. That really sucks....or does it???
Read MoreIf you asked me what was the most important item you should do to track your financial health I would tell you to track your net worth. A net worth statement is the most powerful tool you can use to track your financial progress over time.
Read MoreToo many people are being too reasonable when setting their retirement goals. STOP! When you start your planning for retirement it is critical that you think big. There's time enough later to be reasonable. Right now, focus on what your ideal life would look like....what would your life be if you could "have it all?"
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