Posts in Podcasts
#470- Retirement Plan Live: Their Financial Resources

Take a breath, check yourself, and then observe where things are at. 

That’s what Rosie and I are doing on this episode of Retirement Plan Live.

After the last episode in which Rosie planned out all her hopes and dreams for retirement, today we’re taking a look at her financial picture. We’ll walk through the sources of her social, human, and financial capital to see where she and her husband stand financially. 

Listen in and create your own plan as we go. Make sure to sign up for 6-Shot Saturday to ensure that you get all the worksheets to work through your own retirement plan with me and Rosie.

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#469 - Retirement Plan Live 2023: Their Goals for Rocking Retirement

Setting big goals is great, but they have to be the right goals or else they could become a trap. Rosie joins us again today to set her retirement goals. In this episode, you’ll hear her financial goals for her needs, wants, and wishes. We’ll discuss her financial expectations for each of these categories and how her goals fit into her values. 

Don’t miss out on this second episode of Retirement Plan Live. When you finish listening, head on over to to register for the live meet-up on February 2 where we will break down Rosie’s plan in detail and decide whether or not she’ll be able to live out her retirement dreams. 

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#468 - Retirement Plan Live: Meet Rosie and Dwayne

Rosie and Dwayne retired in a bear market and now they wonder if they will have enough money to rock retirement. We will explore that question all month long in this Retirement Plan Live. 

Over the course of the next few weeks, you’ll learn about Rosie and Dwayne and their journey, their goals, their resources, and their investment strategy. Then we’ll wrap up this series together with a live webinar on February 2. Don’t miss out on the exciting finale, sign up at

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#467 - Should I Take My Pension Lump Sum Now or Wait?

This is our last episode of 2022, so naturally, there will be a bit of reflection alongside the practical planning and your listener questions. Kevin Lyles also joins me in the Coach’s Corner to discuss living your best life in retirement. 

Let’s noodle on what it means to live authentically and discover the answers to some fantastic questions that will help guide you on your retirement journey. Stick around until the end of the episode to hear my word for 2023 and how I plan to review my year. 

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#466 - Should I Have a Mortgage on My Rental Property?

Do you wonder what you’ll do with all your free time in retirement? Planning your time by filling your days with purpose and passion can help ease the stress that comes with the sudden emptiness of leaving behind a full-time career. 

On this episode of Retirement Answer Man, we’ll discuss how dabbling in a few different activities can help you find your purpose. You’ll also hear the answers to questions posed by listeners like you.

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#465 - Should I File for Social Security If I’m Still Working?

Are you curious about the changes that are coming next year on the Retirement Answer Man show? Today, you’ll have a sneak peek at one of our new segments: the Rock Life segment. Bobby Dubois joins me to discuss how to ensure that you have enough energy so that you can rock retirement. 

On this episode, you’ll also hear my holiday gift-buying suggestions as well as the listener questions segment. Don’t miss out on hearing what to do with a settlement, whether to file for Social Security if you are still working, and whether you should simplify your investments in retirement. 

Don’t miss this episode to hear the answers to these listener questions, get a preview of what’s to come next year, and to get some fantastic gift ideas. 

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#464 - Should I Invest in Individual Stocks or ETFs in Retirement?

Is it worth investing in individual stocks or should you simply go with ETFs? Joe has recently parted ways with his financial planner and is beginning to manage his portfolio himself and was wondering about the benefits of these choices.

Tanya Nichols and I will explore Joe’s questions as well as others on this episode of Retirement Answer Man. Listen in to hear the benefits of owning ETFs vs individual stocks, how to structure your Roth conversions, and what to do about health insurance before Medicare.

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#463 - Should I Pay Off My Mortgage or Invest?

There comes a time when retirement planning becomes retirement doing. Many people get stuck in that gap between knowing vs. doing. While it is important to learn what you can so that you can make educated decisions, you’ll want to build a foundation to give you the confidence to act. My goal is not only to teach you information but also to help you build the structure you need to go out and rock retirement.

On this episode, we’ll discuss how to close the knowing vs. doing gap, answer listener questions, and check out what Kevin has to say in the Coach’s Corner. Listen in to hear a clarification on Social Security and COLA, a new perspective on whether to purchase long-term care insurance and how to find a financial advisor who will simply answer questions. Stick around until the end to hear the Coach’s Corner segment with Kevin Lyles.

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#462 - How Do I Know if an Annuity Is Right for Me in Retirement?

Curiosity is an important quality to nurture as you get older; it can even help you find your purpose in retirement. Today, I’ll help you explore how to use your curiosity to discover your purpose as you embark on the next phase of your life.

This episode is packed with questions that could help you rock retirement. Listen in to learn how to know if an annuity is right for you in retirement, how to apply for social security, whether you can contribute to a Roth IRA if you are an independent contractor, how to choose healthcare alternatives before Medicare, and 401K alternatives for the highly compensated employee.

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#461 - How to Rebalance a Bond Ladder

The good life is a direction, not a destination. This is why we are so focused on the process of retirement planning. Rocking retirement is all about having an adaptable process to work through.

On this episode of Retirement Answer Man, I answer a few process-based questions. You’ll learn how to work through the steps to rebalance a bond ladder and how to analyze whether you have enough to create a sound retirement.

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#460 - What Should I Know Before Using 72T to Fund Retirement?

When planning your retirement journey it is imperative that you fully explore and understand the options available. On this episode of Retirement Answer Man, Shane asks about the best ways to access his retirement accounts early.

Taylor Schulte from Define Financial joins me in the listener questions segment to discuss Shane’s question by clarifying the rule of 55 and 72(t), the ups and downs of using his fiduciary to prepare Jay’s taxes, and how to fund the first 5 years of retirement.

Don’t miss out on the answers to questions from listeners like you. Tune in to hear if Taylor’s response matches my own.

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#459 - Should I Invest in Commodity ETFs to Fight Inflation?

If the bear market and inflation may have you worried, a bit of productive paranoia with a tinge of optimism may see you through. On this episode of Retirement Answer Man, we’ll discuss upcoming monthly themes, the next Retirement Plan Live case study, and ideas for new segments for the show. You’ll also hear answers to several listener questions. Today we’re putting our geek hats on to discuss commodity ETFs, perpetual withdrawal rates, single-pay annuities, and how to mix compounding with growth. Press play to get started.

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#458 - When Can I Make a Backdoor Roth Contribution?

If you don’t qualify for a Roth IRA you may be interested in using a backdoor Roth to utilize the advantages of a Roth IRA. One listener wonders about the rules for contributing to a backdoor Roth. Today, I’ll clear up his question and answer many more.

Other listener questions in this episode cover using RMDs as QCDs, dealing with capital gains, and target date funds. Don’t miss out on discovering the answers to questions from listeners like you. Press play now to listen.

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#457 - Will I Still Get Inflation Adjustments If I Wait to File Social Security?

The latest news in retirement is that Social Security recipients are getting a raise in 2023. While that is helpful for everyone receiving their benefits, what about those who choose to delay taking Social Security? A couple of listeners have been wondering if they, too, will get inflation adjustments if they wait to file for Social Security. We’ll have the answer to that question and many others as well as feedback from recent episodes. If you have been on the fence about whether or not you should delay Social Security, you won’t want to miss out on this episode.

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#456 - Should I Switch My Bond Portfolio to CDs?

If you are getting close to retirement you have probably been watching the financial news to help you stay up to date with what is going on in the world. If so, you won’t want to miss out on hearing why this is not a good idea.

Today, I’ll also answer questions about bonds, charitable gifting, and how to find a financial advisor. Make sure to stick around until the end to hear about upcoming changes to Medicare with, Medicare expert, Danielle Roberts from Boomer Benefits.

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#455 - Which Account Should I Begin Drawing from First in Retirement?

RMD tables, bond classes, international exposure, and 1099s–we’ve got answers to your questions. First up is which account is best to begin drawing from in retirement. Listen to these answers to listener questions and take some time to reflect with me about how too much data can inhibit our ability to make good decisions. Press play to listen.

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#454 - What Is the Best Way to Save Money for Our Grandchildren?

Many people choose to save money for their kids and grandkids in a 529 account, but one listener wonders if there is a better way to give. Learn the answer to this question and more on this episode of the Retirement Answer Man show.

Make sure to stick around until the end to hear the Coach’s Corner segment with Kevin Lyles. Kevin and I discuss growth and accepting challenges in retirement. Find out why it is so important to continue to challenge yourself in retirement.

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#453 - Should I Switch My 401K Contribution to the Roth Option Near Retirement?

Life is about events, the challenges we overcome or not, our successes and failures, but, even more, it’s about how we touch and are touched by the people we meet.

Nicole is back! She is here this week to help me answer your listener questions. In this episode, we discuss the challenges of making friends in retirement, the value of international diversification, contributing to a Roth 401K vs. a regular 401K, the 4% rule, and much more.

I created the Retirement Answer Man show to help you, not just with the business side of retirement, but also to help you build a successful life so that you can lean in and really rock retirement. This month we are answering your retirement questions. If you have a question to submit, head on over to to proffer your questions. Remember, if you want to get bumped to the front of the line and use our fastpass option by recording an audio question.

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#452 - Should We Consider a Mortgage for Building Our Retirement House?

We’re back again answering your retirement questions! On the docket for today are questions like whether should you consider taking on a mortgage in retirement, whether it’s feasible to hold only ESG investments in retirement, and if you need life insurance in retirement.

In addition to answering these listener questions, I’ll also share several book suggestions that I got in response to the 6-Shot Saturday newsletter and reflect on insights I learned from my time in Colorado.

Don’t miss out on upping your retirement game. Press play to hear answers to questions from listeners like you!

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#451 - How Should I Pay for Big Ticket Expenses Near Retirement?

Are you nearing retirement and wondering how you should pay for large out-of-pocket expenses? Should you dip into your emergency fund, take from your retirement savings, or is there another way?

We’ll consider this question, hear how Larry is living intentionally, learn how visual aids can help when trying to discuss finances with elderly parents, and discuss dollar cost averaging a lump sum payment on this episode of Retirement Answer Man.

All month we’ll be answering your questions. If you have a question that you would like to submit head on over to and type in a question or use the record a question function to shorten the wait. We love audio questions so we bump those to the front of the line!

Tune in to hear these listener questions plus a summary of what was on my summer reading list. Make sure that you are signed up for the 6-Shot Saturday newsletter to learn all the details about the books I read this summer.

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