Posts in Podcasts
#450 - Living a Heroic Retirement: How to Walk the Hero’s Journey

Michael Balchan from Heroic and I have been discussing how to live a heroic retirement for the last several episodes. Today, we wrap up this theme and learn to integrate the subjects we have discussed in the past 4 episodes into rocking retirement.

As usual, after the main theme, I’ll answer your listener's questions. If you have a question that you would like answered on the show, now is a good time to ask since next month we’ll focus solely on answering your questions. You can submit your question at You have the option to either type in your question or leave an audio question. We love audio questions, so leaving an audio recording is like getting a fast pass to the front of the line.

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#449 - How to Live a Heroic Retirement Today

“You are who you are here and now” – Bruce Lee

We all live life with the best intentions, yet rocking retirement is all about what we are actually doing–not intending to do. Do the things that you say are important to you now.

In this episode of the Living a Heroic Retirement series, you’ll learn how you can begin to live a heroic life today. Michael Balchan and I break down what we are doing to live our best lives. We bring the macro level that we have been discussing in the past few episodes down to the micro level. Press play to learn how to embody your virtues by taking baby steps towards your goals.

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#448 - Living a Heroic Retirement: The 3 Identities a Hero Should Have

Do you know who you want to be in retirement? Here at the Retirement Answer Man, we want to give you the confidence to not just survive retirement but to rock retirement. To truly rock retirement you need to have both a financial and non-financial plan.

Over in the Rock Retirement Club, we have licensed Michael Balchan’s Heroic app and in these past few episodes, we have been discussing how to live a heroic retirement. Today we’ll discuss the 3 domains that are important to develop aspirational identities. You’ll learn why this is important and how to create your own aspirational identities in these 3 areas.

Make sure you are signed up to 6-Shot Saturday so that you can get the free workbook to help you develop your identity in these 3 domains.

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#447 - Living a Heroic Retirement: The Virtues of a Hero

This month on the Retirement Answer Man we are learning how to live a heroic retirement. Michael Balchan joins me to discuss what it takes to be the hero of your own story. On this episode, we explore the virtues that heroes embody.

If you are looking to be an exemplar then you’ll exhibit some core universal virtues plus some that are uniquely your own. Learn about these virtues and what it takes to be a hero on this episode of Retirement Answer Man.

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#446 - Living a Heroic Retirement: What Is a Hero?

You may be planning a peaceful retirement, an active retirement, or an engaged retirement, but have you ever thought about living a heroic retirement? Over the course of the next several episodes, we’ll explore what it means to live a heroic retirement with Michael Balchan from Optimize.

In this series, you’ll learn how to build a framework to lean into the kind of person you want to be every day. I’m excited to bring this teaching that we already use in the Rock Retirement Club to you. Listen to this episode to learn what a hero is and how you can be the hero of your own retirement.

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#445 -Dealing with Post-Pandemic Burnout

Dealing with a bear market after the trials and tribulations of the past 3 years may have you feeling like you are being punched while you are down. Many of us are feeling burnt out and are wondering when the punches will ever end.

In this episode of Retirement Answer Man, we’ll discuss how we can deal with this issue. Kevin Lyles joins me in the Coach’s Corner to offer his perspective on dealing with burnout. I’ll also answer some fantastic listener questions that range from how to decumulate during a bear market to how to plan for retirement with a disengaged spouse. Don’t miss this episode especially if you feel like you might soon be down for the count.

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#444 - Will My Social Security Benefit Be Impacted by My Divorce?

Does navigating this bear market in retirement terrify you? If so, you are not alone. No one can (or should try to) predict what will happen next.

A financial advisor’s advice during bear markets is often ”stay the course,” however this can leave one feeling powerless. On this episode of The Retirement Answer Man, Tanya Nichols and I analyze what you can do if you are feeling terrified in a bear market, you’ll also learn how to navigate Social Security and an ex-spouse, and how to use retirement funds to self-insure long-term care. Press play to hear Tanya and I answer these listener questions and more.

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#443 - Should I Prepay the Mortgage on My Rental Property Before I Retire?

This month we are answering your listener questions. If you have a question that you would like answered on the show you can jump the line a bit and take the fast track by submitting an audio question. Head on over to and hit record to submit your question.

Today I answer questions on a broad range of topics from paying off a mortgage on a rental property to determining the right balance for investment when there is a significant pension to whether to use a loan to pay for life while the market picks back up. Listen in to hear my thoughts on these questions so that you can not just rock retirement but rock life as well.

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#442 - Can I Count on Average Returns and Inflation for Retirement?

Many people are concerned about markets and inflation right now, but rather than focusing on this in today’s episode, I’ll answer your investment strategy questions. I choose to focus on strategy because if you can create a feasible, resilient retirement strategy, you’ll be able to weather all kinds of economic uncertainties.

Make sure to stick around until the end to hear an interesting interview that may challenge you to rethink your preconceived ideas. You won’t want to miss it if you are open to hearing different perspectives.

If you are looking for a fast pass to get your retirement question answered, record an audio question at

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#441 - When Is It Time to Switch Advisors and More of Your Questions

If the market outlook has you feeling uncomfortable, you are not alone. This discomfort may cause you to want to change course, but consider that moments of extreme discomfort are often reverse indicators. Extreme discomfort can mean that you are on the right track to grow in a new direction.

On this episode of Retirement Answer Man, I answer your questions about choosing a financial advisor, how to weather tumultuous financial markets, and using a Roth 401K. Learn what you can do in the midst of an uncertain future by pressing play.

Today we are defining legacy and noodling on what that means both financially and non financially. Next week, we’ll discuss the different strategies that you can use to leave a financial legacy, the following week we’ll explore non-financial legacies, and in the 4th episode of this series, you’ll learn how to create your own legacy strategy.

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#439 - Leave a Lasting Legacy: How to Leave a Nonfinancial Legacy

When you think about leaving a legacy do you immediately think about passing on your assets?

What may be more important than passing on money is leaving behind a nonfinancial legacy to those that you love. Have you considered how you will do this?

If you would like to leave more than just a trust fund to your family then you won’t want to miss this episode of Retirement Answer Man. You’ll learn about setting a nonfinancial legacy objective, plus strategies, tactics, and more.

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#437 - Leave a Lasting Legacy: What Is a Legacy?

Have you considered the legacy you will leave to those whose lives you touch? Does leaving a legacy need to be financial or something more?

This month we explore how to leave a lasting legacy in an organized way. You’ll learn the ways that you can leave an enduring legacy during your life and beyond.

Today we are defining legacy and noodling on what that means both financially and non financially. Next week, we’ll discuss the different strategies that you can use to leave a financial legacy, the following week we’ll explore non-financial legacies, and in the 4th episode of this series, you’ll learn how to create your own legacy strategy.

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#436 - Functional Health to Rock Retirement: How to Be a Better Advocate for Your Health

Navigating the healthcare world in this day and age can make your head spin. It is hard to understand what to believe and what not to believe since there are so many voices telling you their interpretation of the facts.

This is why it is important to build a healthcare framework from which to operate. Your healthcare framework will ensure that you get your questions answered so that you can make the best decisions for your health. Building a healthcare decision-making framework is similar to the framework we build for making financial decisions.

Dr. Bobby Dubois joins me again today for the last episode in the Functional Health to Rock Retirement series to discuss how to approach medical problems both conceptually and with your doctor. You won’t want to miss this important conversation, so press play to listen.

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#435 - Functional Health to Rock Retirement: Finding the Right Nutrition Plan

All this month we have been discussing functional health so that you can ensure your body works well enough to rock retirement. Last week we learned how finding the right exercise plan can help you stay strong enough to do all the things that you want to do when you retire.

Today, we learn about the opposite side of the functional health coin: nutrition. You probably know that nutrition should be an important part of your overall health plan, but with so many conflicting diets out there how are you supposed to know what you should eat?

Listen in to hear what functional health expert, Dr. Bobby Dubois recommends to maintain proper nutrition in retirement.

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#434 - Functional Health to Rock Retirement - Creating the Right Exercise Plan

You may think that having saved a nice nest egg and having a purpose will ensure that you are all set to rock retirement. Unfortunately, you need to think again. Without functional health, you may not be able to enjoy your retirement savings and purpose.

Creating a specified exercise plan can ensure that you develop the functional health necessary to do all the things you want to do so that you can rock retirement. Listen to this episode with Dr. Bobby Dubois to learn how to cultivate an exercise plan that will help you accomplish your goals.

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#433 - Functional Health in Retirement: What Is Functional Health?

Purpose and finances are two important legs of the retirement stool; however, a stool needs 3 legs. Finances and dreams don’t mean anything if you can’t function well enough to enjoy them. The often-overlooked leg of the retirement stool is functional health–which is why this month we are focusing all 4 episodes on how to improve your functional health in retirement.

Since I am not a health expert, I have invited Dr. Bobby Dubois to join me for this relevant discussion. This week Bobby helps me define exactly what functional health is and why it is important to retirement. Press play to learn how important functional health is in retirement.

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#432 - How Do I Inflation-Proof My Retirement?

Does inflation have you worried about retirement? If so, you’re not alone. A couple of listeners are looking for ways to inflation-proof their retirement. Can you inflation-proof your retirement?

I’ll answer these questions and many more on this episode of Retirement Answer Man. But before we get to our current listener questions we’ll take a look back at a question that was asked earlier this month. I asked you all to help me answer it and today you’ll hear the responses.

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#431 - Are Interest Rate-Hedged ETFs a Good Investment Right Now?

Today we are continuing our month-long series of listener questions. On this episode, you’ll hear questions about Roth conversions, interest rate-hedged ETFs, pension payments, and the value of dividends as a source of income in retirement. If you are ready to gain the wisdom that you need to rock retirement, press play now.

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