Posts in Podcasts
#430 - How Do RMDs Work for Married Couples?

This is a fantastic time to enjoy a pretirement tailwind. If you have ever considered using pretirement as a gateway into full retirement, the job market is desperately searching for experienced talent. Listen in to discover how this cultural shift in the workplace could benefit your retirement plans.

On this episode, you’ll also hear the answers to a number of questions from listeners like you. If you are worried about how to shift from saving to spending, wondering how to plan for taxes in retirement, or how RMDs work for married couples then make sure to press play to hear the answers to these questions.

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#429 - Should I Retire Earlier if I Have Health Issues? And More Listener Questions

Making retirement decisions brings plenty of questions and over the next month, I’ll be tackling your retirement questions. While I love answering your questions, I also enjoy hearing your thoughts.

In today’s episode, there are a couple of questions that I’d love to hear your feedback on. If you have any thoughts to share with other listeners please respond to the 6-Shot Saturday newsletter. If you’re not signed up, head on over to and scroll down to the bottom of the page to get weekly tips, news, and resources in your inbox every Saturday morning.

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#428 - How to Plan Your Agile Retirement: Stage 4 - Optimize & Establish Your Plan of Record

“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless but planning is indispensable.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

Ike is reminding us that the plan is not as important as the process. It is the practice of planning that is critical to success. You’ll never have everything figured out since the perfect retirement plan doesn’t exist, but by planning and staying agile you will be able to correct your course along the way.

This month we have gone from theory to practice to mastery. On this episode of the Retirement Answer Man show, you’ll learn how to optimize your feasible, resilient plan so that you can rock retirement.

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#427 - How to Plan Your Agile Retirement: Stage 3 - Make Your Strategy Resilient

Now that you have come up with a retirement vision and learned to create a retirement plan that reflects your vision it’s time to make your plan agile. On this episode, you’ll learn why you need to have an agile retirement plan and how to make your plan resilient to the unexpected forces that could derail your retirement plans. Make sure to stick around until the end of the episode to hear BW talk about why it’s so important to master the fundamentals of retirement planning.

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#426 - How to Plan Your Agile Retirement: Stage 2 - A Feasible Retirement Strategy

“Our mind is dyed with the color of our thoughts”--unknown. If this is true, then how are you thinking about retirement in the right way? To have confidence in your retirement plan you need to be thinking about the things that you can control and focusing on what has the biggest impact on your life.

On this episode of Retirement Answer Man, you’ll learn how to create a feasible retirement strategy by analyzing your goals against where you are now. You’ll then learn about the three types of capital and how to build a net worth statement so that you can create a retirement plan of record. You won’t want to miss this important stage in developing your retirement plan, so press play now.

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#425 - How to Plan Your Agile Retirement: Stage 1 - Your Vision

Retirement is a journey into the unknown that can be intimidating. This is why you need to build up confidence in your plan so that you can rock retirement. To build your confidence it is important to master the fundamentals which simply means that you must practice them over and over again.

Last week you learned to let go of the things that are out of your control and how to concentrate on working with the controllables by using an agile approach. This will give you the agency you need to prosper in retirement.

Today we’ll focus on developing an inspiring goal for your future. Over the rest of the month, we'll explore the pathways to get you to your goal. If you are ready to learn how to rock retirement press play now.

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#424 - How to Plan Your Agile Retirement: Why You Need to Be Agile

We can be easily distracted by the bright shiny objects of retirement planning which is why it is important to master the fundamentals first. Understanding the fundamentals of retirement planning will help you to create a solid foundation so that you can cope with all of the uncertainty that retirement brings.

Here on the Retirement Answer Man show, I typically dive into the foundational concepts of retirement planning in bits and pieces by answering questions. However, I haven’t taken a deep dive into teaching the fundamentals here on the show.

Over the course of this 5 week segment, we will start at the beginning and explore the fundamentals of retirement planning in greater detail so that you gain a working knowledge that will give you the confidence to execute your plan. If you have been wondering what Agile Retirement Management is this is the perfect time to press play.

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#423 - What Investments Help Protect Me from Inflation?

Welcome to the last episode in the 4 part series on inflation in retirement. If you are just now joining in, consider heading over to the first episode in this series which covers what inflation is and how to measure it. The second installment discusses the ways that inflation impacts retirement and the previous episode helped you build a framework for combating inflation in your retirement plan.

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#422 - How Do I Manage Inflation Risk?

Inflation will affect your retirement one way or another. It’s up to you to create a strategy to manage that risk. On this episode of Retirement Answer Man, you’ll learn how you can build your own strategy to deal with the creeping risk of inflation.

In the past two episodes, you learned what inflation is and how it can affect your retirement. Next week you’ll learn how to use tactics to tweak your strategy to optimize it for specific situations, but first, let’s go learn how to come up with your own plan to combat inflation.

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#421 - How Will Inflation Impact My Retirement?

Inflation is on everyone’s mind these days. If you have been wondering how inflation will affect your retirement, you’ve come to the right place.

This is the 2nd episode in a 4 part series on inflation. Last week we defined inflation, today, we’re discussing the impact of inflation on retirement, next week we get strategic, and in the final episode, we’ll get tactical and answer your questions on inflation.

Press play to learn what you need to know about the effects of inflation on your retirement.

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#420 - How to Manage Inflation in Retirement: What Is Inflation and How Is It Measured?

Inflation is quite the buzzword lately. Every news network reports that inflation is on the rise which is apparent at the grocery store, the car dealerships, and even in the housing market. If you are planning on retiring soon, worries about inflation could keep you up at night. This is why over the next 4 weeks, we are going to study how to manage inflation in retirement.

Today you’ll learn what inflation is and how it is measured. In week two of this series, we’ll discuss how inflation affects retirement, the following episode will study how to manage inflation from a strategic level, and our last episode on this topic will explore the investment vehicles that are available to help protect our portfolios against inflation.

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#419 - Retirement Plan Live: Establishing a New Life

We learned in the first episode of Retirement Plan Live that Joelle and her husband Mike had moved to a new area to pursue their retirement dreams. Joelle and Mike are now learning how to build community and purpose in their new home. Listen in to learn how Joelle plans to make social connections and find purpose in retirement as she creates her new life.

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#418 - Retirement Plan Live: Creating Our Retirement Paycheck

As you embark on your retirement journey, life’s question changes from what can you do to what will you do? You have so many choices that are available to you that the question of what to do next can be daunting. I explore these questions with Michael Bungay, author of the new book, How to Begin.

Michael’s interview isn’t the only thing that’s in store for you today on the Retirement Answer Man show. This is the third installment of Retirement Plan Live with Joelle. Last week Joelle shared her dreams for retirement, so today we crunch some numbers to see how she will create her retirement paycheck. Make sure to sign up for the webinar on January 27 to see whether Joelle’s retirement will be feasible.

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#417 - Retirement Plan Live: Dreams for Our New Home

Welcome to the second installment of Retirement Plan Live. This is the episode where we run the initial numbers for Joelle’s retirement. We’ll walk through the 3 categories to define Joelle’s base needs, wants, and wishes and put number values to each of these areas.

In addition to the interview with Joelle, you’ll hear listener questions about how to feel comfortable about retirement, converting 401Ks to Roth IRAs, and how my personal journey finding health insurance has turned out.

As a bonus, you’ll hear an interview with Joe Saul-Sehy from the Stacking Benjamins podcast who has written a new book called Stacked. Listen in to hear if it is worth the read.

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#416 - Relocation for Retirement: Why We Moved

A new year means a new Retirement Plan Live! Over the course of the next 4 episodes, you’ll hear about Joelle and Mike and their plans for their recent retirement. Then, at the end of the month on January 27, we’ll wrap RPL up with a live webinar that you can participate in. Head on over to to register.

On this episode, you’ll learn about Joelle and Mike’s thought process on moving to a different state for their retirement. You’ll also hear from Kevin in Coach’s Corner as he explains his Zero Based Budgeting process. This episode is jam-packed with information including one correction to an answer that I recently gave to a listener question. Press play to listen now.

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#415 - Is Cryptocurrency a Good Investment for My Retirement?

Do you own any cryptocurrency? First introduced in 2009, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have exploded in popularity over the past few years.

On this episode of Retirement Answer Man, we’ll discuss what cryptocurrency is, how it is revolutionizing the banking system and the drawbacks of this new type of currency. Listen in to learn whether you should add a bit of crypto to your retirement portfolio and you’ll also hear the answers to listener questions about IRA contributions and IRMAA surcharges.

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#414 - How Will I Estimate What My RMD Will Be at Age 72?

Do you have a system for estimating what your future RMDs will be? Should you keep a mortgage or pay off the balance of your house in retirement? What should you do with the money that you withdraw to fill up your tax bracket? These are just a few of the questions that will be answered on this episode of Retirement Answer Man. Press play to check it out!

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#413 - Are I-Bonds a Smart Investment for My Retirement Portfolio?

Do you have a net worth statement that you update regularly? Whether or not you do, you’ll want to learn about the psychological benefits that this exercise can create. In this episode of The Retirement Answer Man show, we’ll discuss what a net worth statement is and how you can gain from creating one regularly.

You’ll also hear several listener questions that range from inherited IRAs to I-bonds, to SPIA annuities. If you are interested in rocking retirement, you’ll need to arm yourself with the knowledge to help you navigate this change in life. Listen in to get started on your retirement education journey.

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#412 - What Is a Retirement Plan of Record?

You have probably heard me refer to a retirement plan of record in the past few episodes, but you may be wondering what exactly this is. I have had several listeners reach out and ask me to define this term, so in addition to hearing listener questions, today you’ll learn exactly what a retirement plan of record is and how it can help you plan your retirement. Press play to check it out.

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#411 - Overcoming Frugality

Rocking retirement doesn’t mean getting your Roth conversions right, it means minimizing your regrets. At the end of your life, you don’t want to think “yay, I paid fewer taxes!” you want to think “wow, my life was awesome!” Overcoming the frugality that stems from a lifetime of saving is one way to live a life free of regret in retirement.

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