Learn more about which companies are the best for part-timers to receive healthcare benefits as well as whether COBRA may be a good option for your healthcare coverage needs. Listen in to gain more knowledge about how to maneuver our complex medical insurance system.
Read MoreIf you are thinking of retiring before retirement age or simply interested in insurance alternatives you will want to see if this is a good option for you. Listen to this episode as we explore all the options on how to get healthcare before Medicare.
Read MoreJohn Leland is a New York Times columnist and best-selling author of Happiness is a Choice You Make. He spent a life-changing year talking to six really old people. Listen to this great interview to hear wonderful tips on happiness from those who know how to enjoy life.
The whole point of this series is to help you guys (and myself) figure out how to afford medical insurance before Medicare kicks in. So grab your headphones and a pen and paper to take notes because you’ll want to take in all the information you can in this important episode on the ACA and COBRA.
Read MoreIf you are one of the 67% of Americans that retire before the age of 66, or even if you are part of the 100% of Americans that are confused about the insurance system then you will want to listen to this episode and the whole series to come about insurance before Medicare.
Read MoreOn this episode, we will discuss special considerations for single people; the costs, networks, and networking as a single retiree. Listen to this episode to hear how to rock being single in retirement.
Read MoreRetirees with the most robust network of friends are happier, healthier and more engaged than those who are lonely. Listen to this episode to hear how to find some great ways to embark on new friendships.
Read MoreListen to this episode to discover how to help your marriage thrive so that you can make the most of your retirement and your life.
Read MoreLoneliness can be caused by many different reasons and if you don’t begin to take action now you could end up alone at a time of life when you are most vulnerable. Listen to this episode to hear some great ways to begin to combat loneliness right now so that this doesn’t become a problem for you in your retirement years.
Read MoreEach year I buy dozens of books to line my bookshelves. If you have ever wondered what is on my bookshelf, then listen to this episode to hear my book list for this year.
Read MoreWithout a plan people often find themselves drifting through life without anything meaningful to work towards. This episode of Retirement Answer Man is your gentle reminder that you need a plan. Listen to this episode to hear why you don’t ever want to stop planning and making goals.
Read MoreIn this episode, you will learn about an important tool to measure the overall cost of your financial advisor and some ways that your advisor may be helping you. These areas will help you see if he or she is providing the best value for your investment management.
Read MoreOn this episode of Retirement Answer Man, we discuss the important questions. We will find out what you should really be asking yourself, your advisor, and your money! Grab a pencil and listen to this episode to get the answers to the questions that you really should be asking.
Read MoreOn this episode, we discuss how much cash you need to have on hand to be prepared for the inevitable market correction. My goal today is to ensure that you have enough cash reserves on hand in your retirement investments to help you ride out a market correction with grace.
Read MoreListen to this episode so that you fully understand how important rebalancing your asset allocation is to your portfolio, being prepared for the market correction, and your future lifestyle.
Read MoreOn this episode, we will go over how to prepare for when the market correction happens. This episode explains step one of a multi-step process. Don’t let the market catch you off guard!
Read MoreDeacon Hayes is the author of a new book called You Can Retire Early and he has a fantastic website full of resources that can help you start planning your early retirement. Listen to today’s show to hear about some innovative ways to prepare for your retirement.
Read MoreChris Niemeyer joins me today as we discuss meaningful travel. When you travel with focus and meaning you can incorporate my favorite acronym -- FOR, family, occupation, and recreation all in one fantastic experience.
Read MoreOver the past few weeks, we have gotten to know Lori as she has shared many details of her finances, lifestyle, and how she and Bruce have begun to prepare for retirement. Today we continue our journey by delving deeper into their finances and learning how they have prepared for the unexpected. Listen to hear how Lori and Bruce have prepared for some major retirement risks and to see if you have considered these risks when planning your own retirement.
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