Posts in Podcasts
#195 - Organizing Your Financial Resources for Retirement

When planning out your financial resources to prepare for retirement, first think about the life you want, then think about the money. This is the second episode in a four-part series where I use Lori and Bruce as a case study to help you to discover how to plan your own retirement. You will want to make sure that you listen in to the full series to understand how to plan your retirement.

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#190 - How much you should have saved for retirement by now

Comparison is important to keep us on track with our goals but when we put all of our focus on our performance v.s. someone else's performance...we often become unhappy. Regardless of where you are in life or how much you have saved for retirement, comparison could be the death of joy. Listen to this week’s episode to hear my thoughts on how to stay on track without letting go of your joy.

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#188 -  Worried about the Equifax Data Breach? Here’s Your Protect Your Credit Action Plan

Your life is wrapped up in one 9 digit code, your Social Security Number. If someone were to get that number they could open credit cards in your name, access your life savings, and even take out a mortgage. While the dangers are high, there are effective ways to protect yourself and your assets. I will outline some of the most effective ones in this episode of the Retirement Answer Man.

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#187 - Should My Advisor Have Access to My 401(k)? And Other Listener Questions

My listeners have been asking great retirement questions, and this podcast episode is focused on giving answers to some of those. I’m excited today to bring on my awesome sidekick, Nichole, to play the part of the listener and ask the questions. One really important question is whether your financial advisor should have access to your 401(k), including your username and password. While this can be convenient for you and for your advisor, it’s not a good idea and is typically not allowed. Listen to today’s episode to find out why.

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#186 - Retirement Travel - One Way to Fund Your Dreams

Do you have dreams for traveling in retirement? On today’s episode of The Retirement Answer Man, my friend Jamie joins me to talk about one creative way to fund your travel dreams. Discover how you can use your home to produce income when you’re not there, so that you can enjoy your travels. Learn what a sharing economy is and how it can benefit you and fund your dreams for retirement travel.

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#184 - Passive Investing: What You Should Understand

On this episode, I explain what passive investing is and how it works, the top two indices that most funds are based on, and the advantages and disadvantages of investing based on those indices. I also take some time today in the Practical Planning Segment to answer listener questions. Listen in to expand your understanding of passive investing and hear answers to questions that you might be asking.

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#182 - Want a Great Retirement?

If you want a great retirement, you don’t need better answers, you need better questions. On today’s episode, I’m going to suggest some better questions that will help you make better decisions. You’ll learn to start with the design and work your way down to the tactical decisions for a great retirement.

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#181 - Stop Financial Stress Now!

The top financial stress in America, according to a Gallup poll, is not having enough money for retirement. In this podcast interview with Emily Guy Berkin, we will discuss why there is so much financial stress, how to get a better understanding of your relationship with money, and specific steps you can take to decrease your stress about money. Listen in and stop financial stress now!

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#180 - Should You Retire Overseas?

There is a growing trend of Americans retiring outside of the country. Should you be one of them? That’s the topic of today’s episode and interview with Keith & Tina Paul, who are retired and living in Cuenca, Ecuador. Listen in to get a glimpse of what it is like to retire overseas and find out how you can begin exploring the idea.

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#179 - A Simple Tool to Estimate Retirement Spending

Do you want to have a great retirement? Make sure you value the right things. It is possible to make a million dollars and feel poor, or to make $60K and live a rich and full life. On today’s episode, Jason Parker joins me to talk about how to calculate your retirement spending and make wise choices that will benefit you long-term in your retirement years. Listen in to learn about the new software tool that Jason has developed that helps with this process and to find out how you can get started on counting the cost of retirement.

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#178 - The Science of Index-Based Asset Allocation

Today we’re going to talk about the science behind the fixed portion of your portfolio. Index-based investing is currently the popular way to manage this side of your investments. But remember, you want to “know what you own and know why you own it” (Peter Lynch). Listen to this episode and follow through with the 7-day goal to gain a better understanding of what you own and why!

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