Want to retire a year earlier? Maybe have a bigger lifestyle budget for travel? You might be able to if you change your relationship with your car.
Read MoreOkay, you're planning for retirement, but what exactly are you planning for? I don't think most of us think about this. We work and save and work and save, but spend little time figuring out what we'll actually do when we retire.
Read MoreI'm still amazed at the level of engagement and transparency "Carl" has had throughout the process of creating his retirement plan on the show. I'm just as amazed at how much the series has resonated with you, the listener. Your questions, comments, suggestions and thank yous made the series better.
Read MoreWOW, your response to the Can Carl Retire? series in January and last Friday's results webinar were off the charts. I received so many kind comments and sharp questions from you. In today's episode, I'll answer a portion of your questions and will get to more next week. Please keep them coming.
Read MoreOne of the most heartbreaking things I've seen over 24 years advising families is a surviving spouse or family member dealing with an unorganized estate. Not having your affairs in order puts a huge burden on your family and compounds the stress of their loss.
Read MoreRisks can rob you from living a great life. Focus too much on them and you can miss out on a full life. Ignore risks and you can destroy your family's financial security. If you've started planning for retirement, you're probably overwhelmed with all the things you should worry about.
Read MoreWell, were you able to dream up your ideal retirement? It can be hard to think big, right? Hopefully, you've stretched yourself. No worries if you're not finished. Keep at it and if you have questions, I'm here to help.
Read MoreIt's New Year's Eve and I've got two important items to help you create a great year in 2015. So let's get to it.
Read MoreOne of the most common comments I get from readers is how hard it is to get straight answers to their most important retirement planning questions. "When can I retire?" "What lifestyle can I expect?" "Will I run out of money?" What am I missing???"
Read More"Why won't someone give me a straight answer?" This is the comment I get most from listeners trying to find answers to their most pressing retirement planning questions. In 2015, I'm stepping up my game to help you find your answers so you can work towards your ideal retirement.
Read MoreStop watching the market and comparing your investment performance to some benchmark. Everyone does it (even most advisors) but does it really help you create a great life??? Of course it doesn't. So stop. Stop worrying about "keeping up with the market" and get down to the important work of creating a great life.
Read MoreYeah, there are lots of articles this time of year talking about year-end tasks to complete, but mine are Super Simple ones. Okay...maybe it's just my way of trying to sound different. Still, these ARE 7 relatively simple tasks that could make a big difference in your financial life (so indulge me).
Read MoreYou'd think that with all the great information and tools available today that making smart money choices would be easy. The fact is, it's harder than ever before. We live in a world designed to get us to "buy now" or "avoid that." These messages are designed by savvy marketers to get us to take action when most of the time doing nothing is the best course to take.
Read MoreWorking towards retirement can feel like rafting a river full of dangerous rapids. This week I discuss how to "self rescue" if the rapids of life put you into the water.
Read MoreMany of us tell ourselves lies or believe "trues" that can be dangerous to our financial future. In this episode, I'll discuss 7 lies we tell ourselves about investing and how to avoid them.
Read MoreI'm convinced that the most stressful part of planning for and living in retirement is that we don't know how to balance living well today while not sacrificing tomorrow. As a result, most of us live out of balance. In this episode, I talk about my #1 retirement planning tool to help find a delicate balance.
Read MoreToo many of us live in a prison within our mind. We are trapped by our past choices, not realizing that today, right now, we can start a new journey. If you feel stuck, you can create a new life. You can ignite your soul and live your own hero's journey.
Read MoreYou don't like to lose money. Nobody does. That's one reason it is so hard to stick to a long-term investment plan when we feel like we're getting punched in the face by the markets. In this episode, I discuss 7 steps to help you fight through a normal market correction.
Read MoreJust as there are benefits to a forest fire, a market correction is an essential element of a strong economy and market.
Read MoreThis week I talk with health insurance guru, Misty Kimbrough, about your healthcare options before age 65.
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