Not living a healthier life can be costly as you age. USA Today recently reported that the top retirement concern for people over age 50 is healthcare costs. In fact growing older and being unhealthy can be financially disastrous. It just makes sense, to take a proactive approach to investing in your health.
Read MoreMost of us are in careers that we were trained to do. Not careers that centered on our talents. After college, we start work and our careers generally progress on their own without much intentional direction from us. If you're in your 50s and this fits you, it's not too late to begin to pivot your career towards something you have natural talents for. In this episode, Career Pivot's Marc Miller outlines how to start your pivot.
Read MoreWouldn't it be great to learn about retirement from those that have retired successfully? Here's your chance. Today at FinCon, the National Conference for Money Media, is releasing the book, The Retiree Next Door. The best part is you can get it for free.
Read MoreIn my 23 years of marriage, there were times my wife and I drifted apart. It's easy to do. Work, kids, hobbies, etc. just make life hectic at times. We eventually learned to be intentional about nurturing our marriage. Jackie Bledsoe has had the same experience. In this episode, we discuss how to best invest in your marriage.
Read MoreTaxes suck. They erode away your income, savings and investments. One strategy to maximize your retirement savings is to convert your IRA to a ROTH IRA. ROTH IRAs are a powerful tool to help you do this but there are lots of tax and planning issues to consider first.
Read MoreStressed about planning for retirement??? You're not alone. Most of us (including me) freak out when we look at what it could take to provide for our family in retirement. Don't believe all the statistics; you can take control.
Read MoreIn this episode I'll explore the problems with setting retirement goals and offer a better way to plan.
Read MoreIf you chose to invest in real estate as part of your retirement plan, you better understand what you're signing up for.
Read MoreLast week, it took me 3 days to find a car title. My records are a mess. It's embarrassing. I work so hard to help keep my clients' financial lives in order and neglect my own record keeping.
Read More"How Much Do I Need to Retire?" is the question a lot of us are afraid to ask. We're afraid because we think the "number" we'll be told to save will be impossible to achieve.
Read MoreIs the stock market correction here? In the last week of July, the S&P 500 index lost 2.7%. The worst weekly loss in over two years. It didn't take long for the sensationalist headlines to pop up.
Read MorePoor planning or a big loss during retirement can ruin your financial security. In this episode, I discuss the most common retirement "screw ups" I've seen and how you work to avoid them.
Read MoreThis week I speak with Burt White, Chief Investment Officer of LPL Financial. Burt and I discuss LPL's mid-year outlook titled The Investor's Almanac.
Read MoreI talk to a lot of people about retirement. Not only clients but most everyone I meet over age 50. I'll always ask them what their #1 thought is on retirement. I've learned a lot from this exercise. The most important thing I've learned is that people worry about retirement....a lot!
Read MoreThis week I talk with Misty Kimbrough, a local insurance expert about the basics of Medicare. She outlines the basic parts of Medicare and the 3 most common missteps people make when planning medicare benefits for retirement.
Read MoreYes, I know that keeping a monthly budget is personal finance 101. Over the years I've tried, repeatedly, to track every expense in a monthly budget. Each time I failed after a few months. It's just too much work. I have better things to do than be a part-time bookkeeper.
Read MoreIn this podcast, I share my thoughts on my sister's choice and one way you can deal with death by celebrating life.
Read MoreHow to manage cash flow during retirement is probably the question I am asked most often.
Read MoreWorking during retirement could be the best thing you do to find meaning, stay healthy and earn money while doing what you love.
Read MoreIn his latest book, "The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing" Jeff reminds himself and us that most of our lives are spent "in-between" the big things. It is in these moments we can find opportunities to live more fully.
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