#555 - Classic Episode - The 8 Pillars of Rocking Retirement: Vision and Feasibility

This September, we're doing something a bit different. We're revisiting the basics with a refresher on the eight pillars of rocking retirement—four financial and four non-financial pillars that form the foundation for a great life. Too often, retirement planning gets bogged down with too many details and the pressure to get everything right. But in my experience, focusing on the most important things gets you 90% of the way there. This month, we’ll air classic episodes to revisit these pillars, starting today with the first two financial pillars: Vision and Feasibility.

The first financial pillar we are going to discuss is VISION. How do you start to figure out your vision in retirement? We would suggest reconnecting with who you actually are outside of your identity as an employee and identifying your core values. The second pillar in the financial realm is having a FEASIBLE plan. The objective is to establish a foundation of a safe path that is feasible given the resources and the choices that you are willing to make.



  • [00:28] September will focus on the eight pillars of rocking retirement

  • [08:00] First two pillars of rock retirement are vision and feasibility

  • [08:14] Vision: What do you want when you retire?

  • [13:28] What are some of the obstacles to creating a vision in retirement?

  • [17:44] The next pillar in the financial realm is having a feasible plan


  • [24:10] Listener Scott has a tip about going from two to one

  • [26:13] Bill discusses piecake

  • [27:44] Our next question is from Steve related to asset allocation in retirement

  • [33:53] Another listener, Steve, wants to know if a stable value fund is a good investment


  • [38:33] Kevin Lyles talks passion in work and volunteering in retirement

Today’s Smart Sprint

  • [45:55] Think about your life as a clean slate

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

Six Shot Saturday

The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware

The Retirement Manifesto by Fritz Gilbert

Stocks for the Long Run by Jeremy Siegel