#243 - Real Conversations with Listeners About Retirement Hopes and Fears
Have you ever wondered what recent retirees wish they had known before they retired? Recently I asked a group of listeners what kind of resources they would get the most value from to help them prepare for retirement. I am creating an online club that will help you Rock Retirement. On this episode, I share with you conversations that I had with listeners about retirement hopes and fears. These listeners are close to retirement or recently retired. They discuss what they are most excited about and what their retirement worries are. Listen in to hear about retirement hopes and fears from real listeners as well as the exciting news about the Rock Retirement Club.
“Listen to episode 243 of #RetirementAnswerMan hear about #retirement hopes and fears from real listeners as well as the exciting news about the #RockRetirementClub. ”
What is the Rock Retirement Club?
Coming in January 2019 is the Rock Retirement Club. This club is created for people just like you, people that like to do things for themselves, but don’t want to go it alone. This will be a premier platform where people can talk freely about retirement. Rock Retirement Club will be a community of like-minded people that share their dreams, aspirations, and fears about retirement. The Rock Retirement Club is meant to be an inspirational community where you don’t have to worry about a sales pitch at the end of the deal. Check out the website and enter your email to get on the waiting list for the open enrollment period to join the club.
What are people looking forward to in retirement?
In my discussions with newly retired folks and those that aren’t quite there yet, I always wonder what they are looking forward to the most in their new phase of life. Ray is excited about the freedom it will bring. Stephanie is looking forward to following her passions. Paulette can’t wait to spend more time with family. Lee is simply looking forward to not having to manage people all the time. Listening to others’ excitement is so contagious. What are you looking forward to in your retirement?
“What are you looking forward to in your retirement? Listen to others discuss their #RetirementDreams on this episode of #RetirementAnswerMan”
What are people anxious about as they approach retirement?
Retirement is a time to live it up, enjoy freedom, and fulfill lifelong dreams, but it can cause a lot of anxiety too. Many people worry about how to make their money last. A huge worry for those that would like to retire early is healthcare. It’s such a big worry that some simply continue working. Lee worries that he will have too much idle time on his hands and be bored. Do you have any worries about retirement? Listen to this episode to hear if you can learn from others as they share their hopes and fears about retirement.
How do you know when enough is enough?
One question I ask those that I meet is: how do you know when you have enough? One of the biggest worries among retirees and future retirees is if their money will last them their lifespan. So how do they figure out when the right time to retire is? Some people are very calculated and have their savings and spending all mapped out. Others simply hope for the best. Figuring out how much you need to retire is a huge aspect of retirement. What about you? How will you know when enough is enough?
“How will you know when enough is enough? Listen to this episode of #RetirementAnswerMan to hear how others figure out when they have enough to #retire.”
[2:22] What is the Rock Retirement Club?
[4:21] Gary shares what he wishes he knew before he retired
[6:47] George discusses what surprised him about retirement
[10:07] Ray is excited about the freedom
[12:05] Stephanie can’t wait to follow her passions
[13:49] Paulette is looking forward to spending more time with family
[16:50] Susan is looking forward to more flexibility
[18:25] Lee is excited about not having to manage people anymore
[21:12] Nichole has a fun fall tradition
[23:25] Spend a bit of time acknowledging what you might be anxious about or excited about in retirement
Resources Mentioned In This Episode
Roger’s YouTube Channel - Roger That
BOOK - Rock Retirement by Roger Whitney
3-video Series: 5 Minute Retirement Makeover
Roger’s Retirement Learning Center
The Retirement Answer Man Facebook Page
“Check out the #RockRetirementClub website and entire your email to get on the waiting list for the open enrollment period to join the club. ”
“Listen to this episode of #RetirementAnswerMan to hear if you can learn from others as they share their hopes and fears about #retirement. ”