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Your retirement isn’t just a math problem to solve.
It’s about making the most of the only life you have.
Join hundreds of others like you who have searched for - and found - a place where they can learn everything they need to create an incredible retirement - while living their best life today.
Roger Whitney gives an overview of the Rock Retirement Club in this short video.
Recent Articles
Here’s what Roger’s been writing about lately.
Decumulation is the process of spending down the assets that you’ve worked so hard to accrue over your lifetime. In retirement, a thoughtful decumulation plan recognizes that for your near-term needs, the return of your money is paramount.
While tactical steps like whether to do a Roth conversion or the proper age to begin taking Social Security tend to steal the limelight, one of the best places to start your plan is improving the quality of your decisions.
I see plenty of folks who have spent their whole lives storing resources for retirement and miss out on life because they worry about the future. Their refusal to consume their resources means they are starving their life experiences.
What You Should Know if You Inherited an IRA After January 1st, 2020
Watch roger’s video right here
Looking for more? Check out Roger’s YouTube channel, where he posts podcast episodes and interviews.
This was by far one of my favorite and most pragmatic episodes. I think we all intuitively understand theses things but sometimes get caught up in all the planning and organizing and forget the big picture and what is most important. I also really appreciate your honesty and transparency on how your thinking over the years on some of these topics has evolved. Years and experience add perspective that is invaluable for shaping our thoughts and our life. I have been a listener (and a fan) since 2014 and of all your episodes, this one caused me to take stock and action more than any other.
Thanks Roger.
eureka homesteader
The show has evolved over the years, and I like that he tries new approaches and keeps what works. Some of his best podcast sections are his when he works with volunteers on their individual retirement plans.
There’s much to learn from their experiences and planning.
NC podcast fan
This show is a great resource whether you are years away from retirement or already there. Roger and crew are very entertaining and do a great job of selecting topics and guests that are easy to listen to and understand. Some other retirement podcasts are super dry, this one is like ear candy that is actually good for you.
Give it a listen!
2.5 years to go
I love Roger’s holistic approach towards retirement planning.
As a person in their early fifties and getting close to FI, this podcast has helped me prepare for the next stage in life, both financially and mentally.
Roger is insightful and helpful without selling anything. I enjoy his fresh approach.
T n T 711
I just discovered this podcast and I’m hooked now. I’m 57 and approaching retirement but it still seems so mysterious and elusive to me. I want to start at the beginning and listen to all his podcasts now. This is exactly what I’ve been needing! Thank you!
I started listening about 3 years ago to help with my retirement flight plan. Couple of years to go and the turbulence has reduced greatly.
Yoga be good
Stumbled on Roger’s podcast when searching for advice on how to choose a retirement planner. Incredibly relevant and nuanced advice.
Alden Guy
One of the best retirement podcasts. Not just financial advice, but also advice on preparing for retirement from a holistic standpoint.
Excellent show with great guests and many ways to think about life and retirement.
Roger is so intentional about his topics! He addresses not only complex financial questions but also life quality, and encourages decisions that lead us to a fulfilling retirement. He interviews not only experts but also folks walking the journey. Whenever a new episode drops, I listen right away… and then I can hardly wait for the next one.
Practical Nurse
Roger is a retirement wizard. His show is both entertaining and enlightening. Great for both pre and post retirees. Discusses the soft and hard sides of time freedom.
Interesting show that focuses on quality of life issues in retirement quite a bit.
Philip Heard
I’ve listened to all the Retirement Podcasts- once. This is by far superior to any others, and I never miss an episode. Roger treats Retirement holistically; it’s about planning for the money, yes- but interwoven into every podcast are talks about lifestyle changes, family concerns, mental health, everything one can expect to be dealing with, before, during, and after retirement- it’s a lifestyle, not a one-time event.
Roger and his guest speakers are always engaging, thoughtful and kind. Can you say that for any other podcasts you frequent?
VB to Richmond
Roger, thanks for sharing the retirement knowledge you have been providing on your podcast for your listeners. I appreciate the your comments and advice you have continuously provided over the years and look forward to participating in this knowledge and learning. You’re a good listener and teacher. All the best for the holidays to you and your family.
Roger shares information in a manner that even a beginner can understand. He seems to genuinely care and wants to help those of us who are trying to figure out our options for retirement. He keeps his political views out of the podcast which is something I appreciate. He also discusses the non financial side of retirement which is so crucial as we age. Much appreciate this podcast! Thanks and keep it going
This should be the starting point for anyone thinking about or already in retirement. So much information presented in an easy-to-understand way. I’ve listened to and followed many of the people out there but The Retirement Answer Man is, by far, the best.
Good fact based retirement advice presented in an entertaining an easily understandable way.
I have been listening to this podcast for several years now and have thoroughly enjoyed it. The podcast strikes a great balance between the financial and non-financial aspects of retirement. I feel much better prepared for when that day comes that I step away from full time work to rocking retirement.
Over the past 3 years during my transition to the retirement phase, Roger’s show had remained my go to resource for my own learning and growing within retirement. I believe Roger and his team truly has all of our best interests in mind, and craft a show to help us improve our lives and opportunities in retirement. Thanks for your work!
WI Chris
What I like about this show is that it is well-rounded. I listen to a variety of retirement, financial, and investment podcasts, and this is the only one that covers important aspects of retirement beyond the financial, including physical, emotional, and social wellness. Love it!
John 9808
This podcast has something for everyone. Not the average listener, I’m in the bottom tax bracket. Even so - I learn a lot about retirement finance that is helping me make the most of what I can save. And, the non-financial topics are great for everyone. I love what you’re doing. Keep up the good work!!
Roger has put an amazing amount of effort into creating a very valuable educational resource for anyone who is, wants to be, or is forced to be retired. Of course, retirement means different things to different people and anyone along that continuum can get something out of this podcast, financial and perhaps more importantly non-financial. There is a really nice team approach - I certainly enjoy some coaches more than others, some episodes more than others, but after listening to all 500+ episodes I always managed to take away something. Despite being free, it’s also largely free of bias, and although I’ve (paid for and) joined the club, the links and recommendations are easily followed for those wanting to dive deeper. Easy to listen to on my commute and my frequent walks. Glad I found it!
Great lessons for both preparing and living a great retirement, but also just lessons for life.
Roger and his guests make learning about the complexities of retirement enjoyable.
MaryLou Caskey
Roger and his guests provide practical advice that’s easy to understand and enjoyable to listen to. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone interested in understanding not just the technical financial aspects to plan for retirement, but also the human aspects that are equally important and often not fully considered.
Join Roger as he gives you all the info you need to rock both the financial and softer side of retirement!
Very comprehensive podcast that covers many retirement issues. Great for everyone planning for retirement or already traveling the retirement journey. Frequent guests add their expertise to enhance topics covered on the podcast.
Roger and team do a great job of covering current and real life issues involved in preparation for and in retirement real life examples of issues encountered.
I really appreciate the work they do and give this show 2 thumbs up and recommend you give it a try as it is well worth your time. 👍👍

Want a deep dive into all that Roger’s Rock Retirement Club offers? Watch a replay of his interview with Mighty Networks at the People Magic Summit.
Popular Topics
We’ve put together some of the most popular topics Roger has covered on the podcast. Here are a few.